XCSoar Setup

Cruise flight
The main page for the cruise flight and the template for all other pages.
- Next waypoint (deviation)
- Altitude (Auto)
- Next distance (waypoint)
- Contest distance (WeGlide, OLC)
- Near airspace vertical
- Speed ground
- Height AGL
- Final distance
- Thermal average over all
- Near airspace horizontal
Circling page
This page automatically appears when thermaling. I use the auto infobox setting for this purpose – very helpful.
- Next waypoint (deviation)
- Altitude (Auto)
- Next distance (waypoint)
- Thermal gain
- Thermal average
- Circle diameter
- Height AGL
- Final distance
- Near airspace vertical
- Thermal average overall

Assigned Area Task
One special page for flying an Assigned Area Tasks.
- Next waypoint (deviation)
- Altitude (Auto)
- Next distance (waypoint)
- AAT delta time
- Speed task average
- MacCready setting
- Height AGL
- Final distance
- AAT time
- AAT speed around target
Airspace page
Special page with all relevant information next to an airspace. The screen also includes a cross section view which is very helpful for a better understanding of the airspace structure.
- Next waypoint (deviation)
- Altitude (Auto)
- Next distance (waypoint)
- Time UTC
- Near airspace vertical
- Flight level
- Height AGL
- Final distance
- Standby Radio Frequency
- Nearest airspace horizontal

Final Glide
Usually I don´t use this page. For some pilots it might be useful to compare the current glide ratio with the required glide ratio.
- Next waypoint (deviation)
- Altitude (Auto)
- Next distance (waypoint)
- Time UTC
- GR instantaneous (glide ratio)
- MacCready setting
- Height AGL
- Final distance
- Task arrival time (ETA)
- Final GR (glide ratio)
Start line crossing
Very important for the start of a task in competitions. Especially for SGP tasks you need to manage your speed, time and hight at the same time.
- Next waypoint (deviation)
- Altitude (Auto)
- Next distance (waypoint)
- Start open/close countdown
- Start open/close countdown at reaching
- Speed ground
- Height AGL
- Final distance
- Time UTC
- Distance takeoff